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 C N C    M A C H I N I N G   &   
R E -  M A N U F A C T U R E 




Vantage industrial Equipment are able to supply precision machined parts to your drawings and specifications. Extensive CNC milling, turning and surface grinding enable us to supply quality parts in a really a really timely and comercially competitive manner. From ''one off'' to medium size batches, we can produce really precise component on four and five axis milling machines.

In the West Midlands, Vantage Industrial also have many customers who still operate older special purpose machinery and equipment, and consequently the need for obsolete parts is still prevalent. We can reverse engineer and supply all types of gears, shafts, housings that are no longer available as spares from the machine manufacturers - and we can do this fast! in these instances, speed is extremely important as every downtime hour can cost thousands! 

We have the GAS Factor!

(we give a SH*T!)

Gearbox Repair & Overhaul: Services
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